Sunday, August 12, 2007

Stuart Ewen - Form Follows Power

Selection from text:

"The aesthetic solution provided by Le Corbusier was to bring that realm in which workers spend their 'hours of liberty' in tune with the precise discipline required in the realm of work. Architecture, he advised, must embrace 'the necessity for order.' The simple exactitude of geometric forms, introduced into the environment of everyday life, would bring people to 'a modern state of mind.' Following the disciplinary precepts of industrial engineering and scientific management, Le Corbusier maintained that 'the regulating line is a guarantee against wilfulness'" (Ewen, 1988: 209).


My Response:

My boyfriend is in the School of Architecture at the UW, and one of his projects shows how the "necessity for order" plays a role in colonialism and domination. New Dehli's architecture and urban planning was done by the imperial British; the city plan directly follows the angles of the British flag and symbolizes English domination over India. I think this follows very well with Stuart Ewen's description of architecture and its' role in modernization and development. I think it also brings in many components of other readings; making connections between society, control and power.

Images of Flag/City --- Allen, Heath Thompson. Not Published.
Ewen, Stuart. 1988. All Consuming Images: The P:olitics of Style in Contemporary Culture. New York: Basic Books.

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